Thursday, January 30, 2014

4th Grade Ripped Paper Snow Portriats

4th graders were given the challenge of not using scissors. Each student created a portrait of themselves in the snow. After the paper was glued students added snowflakes and pom-poms. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

3rd Grade: "Believe" Light Strings

We talked about how it is important to believe in things even if we don't see them or know for sure if they are real.  Believing in something can give us strength and something to hope for. Students created these lights using their thumb prints across a wavy line. Students then added permanent marker for the sockets and a white highlight to make the lights shine. The lights were connected with the word "believe" written over and over. 

1st & 2nd Grade Ornament Designs

For the Holidays this year student created their own radial designs for ornaments. We wrapped a square piece of cardboard with a shiny piece of foil, then traced a circle. We located the center of the circle and created a design from the inside-out using permanent markers. We discussed splitting the circle into segments and repeating patterns around the circle. A piece of square transparency paper was placed on top of the design and framed with black tape. 

6th Grade Native Tribal or War Paint

6th grade students learned about how many different native tribes that once existed in North America. Students learned about sacredness of war and tribal face painting. Each student was required to create a mask using different symbols and colors. The students each wrote out a description card explaining the meaning behind the colors and symbols used

5th Grade Radial Name Designs

Students learned how to create an interesting radial design by repeating their name in 8 sections of a circle. Students created two of the same designs and colored them using a cool colored palette and a warm colored palette.